Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Black Hills Trail Series

If you pay really close attention to my blog (and if you do, you really should find something more productive to do with your spare time) you'll notice that I added a few races to my schedule. The Fat Tire Trail Challenge, the Dino Trail Run, the Sundance Trail 10K, and the South Dakota Trail Championship, along with two TBA races in August and October, are part of the new Black Hills Trail Series, which is being organized by the Black Hills Runners Club. The series also includes the Mystic Mtn. Run on July 12, but I'm already registered to run the Missoula Marathon that day, so I'll miss that one.

For the record, I think this idea is cool as hell and I've been waiting for something like this to come along. For one, I was hoping to get more into trail running this summer as I prepare for Lean Horse and this is a great way to do it. For another, I'm competitive by nature and the whole series points thing lights a fire in my belly. You see, each runner receives points based on their finish at each race and then at the end of the series, the person with the most points wins, kinda like NASCAR but without the cars, fist fights between drivers and fiery crashes (hopefully). I'm basically a rookie when it comes to trail running, so I don't really have any aspirations of winning the series (especially since I'll miss the Mystic Mtn. race) but I still think it's a cool idea and I'm glad someone took the initiative to organize it.

If you're interested, check out the website at:

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